Thank you for your interest in Perks Master. He is quite the horse with an extraordinary life story.
The Story on Perks Master
It all started back in November of 1999. I, Tiany Schuster, was on a flight to Las Vegas for an automobile equipment show with husband, who was in the tire and automobile accessory business. We were in the airplane and I was reading my Barrel Horse News when I came across the ad for Dash For Perks. Bo Hill's name had been a buzz in the barrel horse community lately and there she was once again in the Dash For Perks ad. I leaned over and asked my husband, "Hey what do you think of this horse? I wouldn't mind riding one of his babies." He replied, " You have more horses than you know what to do with. You are just never satisfied." Well, being a typical Cajun woman, that did it. I instantly became serious about getting a Dash For Perks foal.
The next day he was off doing guy stuff-- cars. I was doing girl stuff-- SHOPPING. But in this case it was for a horse. I had several mares at the time; and for the stud fees I was paying it figured I could get my own stallion. I wasn't really thinking so far ahead on riding one big time, just maybe locally. Everyone loves a black stallion, I had hoped I could breed a few outside mares to help me pay for this new "forbidden" horse I dreamed of owning.
I called up Lady Bug Stallion Station. I introduced myself and told them that I was looking for a 2 year old black stud colt, and what did they have? They told me about a few colts but nothing black or nothing that was old enough. I thanked them and went to hang up the phone when Mr Stanley informed me about a black colt that his uncle Marvin has. Marvin had some big hopes for this colt and that he had paid him into some pretty big race trials, but it didn't work out. The colt kept coming up sore in the front end. That I should call him anyway and visit.
Well little did I know uncle Marvin was none other than the famous Marvin Barnes. The only man to win 1st and 2nd at the All American at the same time! He is the owner of so many great horses in his lifetime that is a whole other story. But one of these great horses was Mr Master Bug. And this did matter.
I phoned uncle Marvin and here goes the story again. I introduced myself and told him that his nephew informed me on a colt you had. "Oh yes he is out here in the field. He is black as night. He is 2 coming 3. He is out of my really good mare by Mr Master Bug. And I want to sell him. His name is Perks Master." We hashed around on the price and I got him bought. I did ask that I be able to vet him out. I knew he was sore and I didn't mind that, just as long as it was nothing major. Right there from my hotel room Perks Master became mine. I had bought this horse sight unseen. I got my bank wire over the money, called a hauler, and NEVER TOLD MY HUSBAND.
I finally get home and there he stood, Perks Master .
The next day or so we went up to LSU to vet him out. To say he was sore was just a description. He failed a vet check hands down. Chips in his ankles, chips in his knees, and his hocks- lets just say YUK (but no chips in them). I was sending him back. Then I got to thinking, if I could get him bought right, I just wanted to breed mares anyway and that stuff didn't matter. I rang Marvin up and give him the update on everything. He tells me it is OK to send him back. I then asked him what were those chips worth? No one wants to buy a horse with chips, I like the horse and he needs surgery to remove them. Would he discount the horse? He asked me what the surgery cost and I told him $1400 or $1500 (I didn't exactly remember). He says," OK I'll send you that back. Fair?" Oh was it fair. You bet.
I get the surgery knee surgery done, then a few days after that I get a call from a man named Jerry Lewis (not the singer) wanting to buy him from me. He had just sold Perks Masters full sister for $20,000. I price him for $10,000. He says OK. Then I tell him I just had the chips taken out and he changes his mind. So Perks Master stays in the barn.
Spring 2000 comes and I breed a few outside mare along with mine. I think there were 11bred that year. Then I go through a divorce. Not much else happens his 3 year old year.
I start riding him late that winter (2000) and he starts coming along nicely. I had to go on the road and I left him with a friend. He stood in the stall there for a month or so. I picked him up and on the road he went with me to begin training. Now Perks Master is a 4 year old. Sean Coats called me one day to inquire about buying him. He had gotten my number from Lady Bug Stallion Station. Sean was working with the famous Cross T Ranch and one of their studs had just died. They were looking to bring in some race blood to cross on their ranch horses. I would sell him $10,000 and 5 breeding a year. And Perks Master was not to become a gelding. Perks Master had also caught the eye of another barrel racer/trainer, John Solidine, and he wanted to buy him. I told him I had a deal with Sean and if he wanted to top it go ahead, but I had to give Sean first chance to beat his deal. John hits me with $12,500. I call Sean and tell him what was happening, did he want to top John. Sean agrees at $15,000, but wants to see him and ride him and he has to vet. Fine. Sean comes and gets the horse and away he goes. A few days later all he can come up with is $12,500. I tell him bring me back my horse. John had changed his mind or bought another horse, I can't really recall. It didn't matter anyway.
At the time of my life I was staying a lot at the Marshall City Arena, and I asked Talmadge Green to get on him for me and breeze him through. He looked at me like I was crazy. I asked him to do it because I had never seen anyone else ride him and I wanted to know what he thought. He breezes him through a couple of times and asks me if I would sell him. I said I wasn't sure and that the horse just kept coming back to me every time I tried to sell him. He ask me if I would take $20,000. I told him yes, but he couldn't be gelded. I wanted to retain 5 breedings a year. Oh well, another customer bites the dust.
That was May 2001. We go along for a few more months, and Shae-Lynn Hooks spots him exhibitioning on the 4th of July 2001. She ask me do I want to sell him. I really didn't know. She then offers me $30,000. I said, "Yes." We make arrangements for her to ride him and vet him out. I tell Dr. Findley about his history and outside we go. He flexes and trots. Never a single foul step. He then X-rays him. Most everything is fine other than his knees. Fails hands down. So back home he comes.
We poke around and finally December rolls around. December 1st his first show. At the local jackpot, he places second. Not too bad. The next day, at the same facility, December 2nd - BLOWS them away by 4 tenths! We had some pretty tough locals at the time. Next weekend off. The following weekend, Jackson, Mississippi. The Holiday Classic. It was his first big run. He runs in, trips really bad at the first barrel, finishes the pattern, and gets a check when it is all said and done. When I pulled him up in the alley- 3 legged crippled.
It took us 30 minutes to get him back to the stall. Flipper, Talmadge, and I had just come to the conclusion he had probably broke his coffin bone. There was no swelling or heat. We couldn't figure it out. I went and watched several videos and saw what had really happened. There at the first barrel, he tripped and knuckled over forward. In the process of doing this, he ripped the ligaments and tendons in his pastern and tore the joint capsule. The vets all said he was done. Maybe one day he would make a riding horse.
From the ankle to the hoof was one size. BIG. Big and sore as hell. My biggest concern was ringbone, and the ligaments and tendons calcifying. January 1st, 2002, Lance Graves comes to spend the new year with me. Lance steps out of the truck and sees Perks Master limp up. He tries to hide the horror on his face. He looks at me and asks, "Are we going to have to amputate?" I assure him it isn't as bad as it looked, I had a plan. (He later said that he wouldn't have given me $5 for the horse. It looked that bad and then some.) My plan was everyday I was on my hands and knees with a "Thumper" massager, Thumping it trying to prevent everything from calcifying. This went on for months. It was then during the Harlequin Farms Futurity that I took him to Dr Thone. He said all the edema had gotten hard. I needed to start riding him. Yeah what a mess that was. Here I am and he is head bobbing so bad it was embarrassing. I decided to take him home to my aunt Michelle's and just turn him out.
He started getting better. He would run and buck and play. After a few weeks of this, I decided if he could do all this in a field, why couldn't he run barrels? I rode him a few days and all was fine. We then went to a run. He didn't win it, but he did come out walking on 4 sound legs. The next week I took him to a futurity and he placed in the first go, tripped in the second, but still was OK. The following week we went to the EBFA in Memphis. He ran the fastest time! Winning the 1st go of the Futurity and the open! Outrunning 1200 horses!
Perks Master Has never looked back since.
He has had some other injuries since then, but he keeps on winning. He has a chronic pinched nerve in his hip. This makes him hit barrels when it starts getting sore. I keep it treated with lithotripsy shockwave therapy and it immediately fixes him. I do fear it will be the force of his barrel racing retirement though. And then there was the time where he slit his neck open like someone had just cut his throat, and he goes out 30 minutes later and places 5th out of 4?? something horses. And the time he had to get 14 stitches in his knee and he wins all kinds of money there at Speedhorse and runs a 17.0 on a standard pattern. The things just go on and on. But it is those things that make him a winner. He is tough as nails. You could cut off his leg and he would still try to win, but just would probably place.
I would like to quote Bret Monroe for saying "A good horse will find a way to win"
I have had Lady Bug Stallion Station contact me a few times about buying him to replace Dash For Perks. But Perks Master has always been a fixture in my life, through good times and the worst times. I could not imagine my life without him.
Dr HL Mitchell is his biggest supporter. Without his help, I don't know where he would be today. He keeps him healthy and comfortable. Every year Perks Master gets the privilege of breeding Dr Mitchell's mares. That is a complement within itself. Thanks Doc!
He is now a Multiple Champion, Multiple Reserve Champion, the Number One Earning Futurity Stallion in 2002, the Number One Earning Derby Stallion in 2003, Top 10 with the BFA, Multiple Saddle and Buckle Winner, Speedhorse High Money Trailer Winner, Earned his ROM, and Earned the Covers of 2 Major Barrel Racing Magazines. He is running and still winning today in the toughest races throughout the country.
His foals are eligible for most all incentive programs including Future Fortunes, Sunrise Futurity, Bold Heart, and Speedhorse Racing and Barrel Racing Incentive. If there is one you are interested in that is not listed give us a call.
Perks Master is a proven winner with proven heart. Perks Master Has Been There Done That.
Not just a pretty face with a pedigree.
What do you want your next baby's sire to be?