Tinys Julie X0286676 1982 sorrel
SI: 72 Starts 3 Wins: 0 2nds: 0 3rds: 0 Earnings: $ 0 Hlt
Pts: H- 0.0 Perf Pts: P- 0.0
SIRE side of pedigree | Anchor Watch
(TB) 1953 T0052437 brown |
Degage (TB)
1943 T0115710 bay |
Tiny Watch
1961 0251794 brown 100 38 16 12 3 $ 106,990 H- 20.0 P- 0.0 |
(TB) 1948 T0059115 brown |
Clabber Tiny
1954 0073167 brown 95 19 6 1 2 $ 5,640 |
Clabber II
1946 0014556 bay 95 28 7 7 3 $ 2,565 |
Tiny's Gay
1972 0856846 brown 106 13 12 1 0 $ 444,721 |
Tiny Iny (TB)
1946 T0066065 brown |
Rocket Bar
(TB) 1951 T0063765 chestnut 85 1 0 0 1 $ 0 |
Three Bars
(TB) 1940 T0065983 chestnut |
Gay's Delight
1965 0493419 chestnut 95 11 3 1 1 $ 19,416 |
Golden Rocket
(TB) 1940 T0153200 chestnut |
Miss Ginger
Gay 1959 0119446 chestnut 95 43 8 6 7 $ 6,164 |
Palleo Pete
1952 0040000 palomino 100 35 6 4 5 $ 12,007 |
Ginger Gay
1951 0040736 bay 75 11 1 2 1 $ 1,151 |
DAM side of pedigree | Rocket Bar
(TB) 1951 T0063765 chestnut 85 1 0 0 1 $ 0 |
Three Bars
(TB) 1940 T0065983 chestnut |
Wrangler 1968 0692535 sorrel 97 23 10 4 4 $ 252,167 |
Golden Rocket
(TB) 1940 T0153200 chestnut |
Go Galla Go
1961 0223836 sorrel 95 35 15 10 6 $ 28,285 |
Go Man Go 1953 0082000 roan 100 47 27 9 3 $ 86,150 |
Dashs Sister
1978 X0173296 chestnut |
LA Galla Win
1953 0069170 chestnut 85 47 5 2 3 $ 2,327 |
Better Self
(TB) 1945 T0143244 bay |
Bimelech (TB)
1937 T0118556 bay |
(TB) 1964 T0159866 brown |
Bee Mac (TB)
1941 T0153292 bay |
Hide and Seek
(TB) 1952 T0197193 chestnut |
Alibhai (TB)
1938 T0118664 chestnut |
Scattered (TB)
1945 T0215586 chestnut |